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What It Takes To Make It To The Top Of The Music Biz And To Achieve Rockstar Stardom !


In my many years in the entertainment media. I've seen many talented musicians come and go. Most of which, had the talent to make it in the biz. But didn't possess the other important traits to make it to the top! (Rockstar Statis)

Becoming a rockstar in music typically requires a combination of talent, hard work, dedication, perseverance, charisma, and luck. Here's my breakdown:

  1. Talent: You need to have a ton of musical talent, whether it's in singing, playing an instrument, songwriting, or all of the above. While some people are naturally gifted, others hone their skills through years of practice and training. Either way, you must have a ton of talent!

  2. Hard Work: Behind the glamorous image of a rockstar lies hours of hard work. This includes practicing your instrument or vocals diligently, writing songs, and continuously improving your craft. This Ain't No 9 To 5 Job.

  3. Dedication: Being a rockstar often means sacrificing other aspects of your life for your music career. You might have to spend countless hours on the road touring, recording in the studio, or promoting your music. Time Is Money.

  4. Perseverance: The music industry can be tough, with numerous rejections and setbacks along the way. To succeed, you need to have the resilience to keep pushing forward even when faced with challenges. The Music Biz Is TuFF! Thin Skin Don't Win.

  5. Charisma: A big part of being a rockstar is your stage presence and ability to connect with your audience. Charisma is about commanding the stage, engaging your fans, and leaving a lasting impression. Learn How To Turn Heads On & Off The Stage.

  6. Networking: Building relationships within the music industry is crucial for gaining exposure and opportunities. This involves networking with other musicians, industry professionals, and fans. Be nice wins fans!

  7. Luck: While talent and hard work are essential, luck also plays a significant role in the music industry. Sometimes, being in the right place at the right time or catching the attention of the right person can propel your career forward. Good Timing Pays Off.

  8. Adaptability: The music industry is constantly evolving, so being able to adapt to changes in trends, technology, and audience preferences is vital for long-term success.

  9. Authenticity: In a sea of artists, being authentic and true to yourself can help you stand out. Fans appreciate artists who stay true to their roots and aren't afraid to be different.

  10. Business Savvy: It's not just about making great music; you also need to understand the business side of the industry. This includes managing your finances, negotiating contracts, and marketing yourself effectively. Music is big business!

  11. Social Media: Keep in touch (Daily) with all of your social media platforms.

  12. Public Relations: Be active, and easily accessible to your fans and to the media.

  13. Number 12 ... That's Me :-)

  14. Don't Buy-In To The Sex, Drugs, And Rock N' Roll Thing! You've got to keep in shape. Both mentally & physically. The music business is a grind!

Combining these qualities can increase your chances of making it as a rockstar, but ultimately, success in the music industry is never guaranteed. It requires a mix of talent, hard work, and a lot of luck to make it to the top.

Keep On Rock'N

Gary England

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Mind Body Spirit Music.

Gary England

Music The Peace Maker. On December 30, 1862, the US Civil War raged. Union and Confederate troops camped seven hundred yards apart on opposing sides of Tennessee’s Stones River. As they warmed themselves around campfires, Union soldiers picked up their fiddles and harmonicas and began playing “Yankee Doodle.” In reply, the Confederate soldiers offered “Dixie.” Remarkably, both sides joined for a finale, playing “Home, Sweet Home” in unison. Sworn enemies shared music in the dark night, glimmers of an unimagined peace
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